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Goals & Consensus

A successful assignment does not only require clear targets. The first thing we do is to create a common view of what the goal really means and how the different parts relate to each other. Through this, you get consensus and can create a structure around what actually needs to be done.

Governance & responsibility

How to govern the assignment depends on its nature, but normally a activity or project team is appointed, where a clear structure and responsibilities are set. Information is gathered during the process with progress and deviations being documented on an ongoing basis, within the workflows as well as to the steering committee.

Analysis & Recommendation

When sufficient information has been obtained, an analysis is completed. The result and a recommendation are presented for further decisions.

Conclusion & Actions

In addition to conclusions, a recommendation should also contain concrete measures considered necessary to achieve the goal or targets. These will, after revision, be part of the action plan.

Time & Action Plan

When the steering committee decides to develop an action plan, a detailed plan, made up of various activities, is created. Either in parallel or in phases. Together these activities should lead to the various milestones you want to see achieved. You are now on your way to implementation BUT don't celebrate yet!

Follow-up & KPI's

Without this step, the work is usually completely lost! Sure, you may have achieved some changes, but it tends to be soon forgotten if you haven't decided how to follow up and how to measure its success.


Make sure to determining metrics but also the structure of when, where and how it should be followed up. Only with this last ingredient can you achieve the right quality in change.

Ten steps towards change

Metodik: Lista


Here you can learn more about our methodology and how we achieve sustainable change for our clients. We call these "ten steps towards change".


For a more in-depth detailing we welcome you to read our series of articles on the subject, and that you will find if you visit our Blog .


If you would like to understand how this methodology would fit into your particular situation, you are more than welcome to contact us for further discussion.

1. Why

6. Conclusion

2. Consensus

7. Decision

3. Goals

8. Plan

4. Governance

9. Implementation

5. Analysis

10. Follow-up & KPI's!

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